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Provide a distinguished and high-quality service for patients and outpatients through providing modern wheelchairs that help them complete their visit to the hospital in complete comfort.

Target Group:

All patients (the elderly, persons with disabilities, and persons with mobility impairment) whose condition requires the use of wheelchairs.

Venue Scope:

• مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث (الرياض – المدينة – جدة )

Financial Scope:

300,000 ريال

Project Justifications:

  • Many patients and outpatients (the elderly, patients with disabilities, and patients with mobility impairment) need to use wheelchairs.
  • Facilitate patient access to all hospital facilities easily.
  • Alleviating the suffering of patients caused by bringing their wheelchairs with them.
  • The current wheelchairs are outdated and unfit for use, and their number is low.

Facts and Figures:

• تم توفير ((100 كرسي متحرك لمدينة جدة.
• تم توفير (50) كرسي متحرك للمدينة.
• تم توفير (100) كرسي متحرك للرياض.
• جاري العمل على توفير المزيد من الكراسي المتحركة.
• عدد المستفيدين ((2568 مستفيد، يمثلون متوسط عدد المرضى والمراجعين الذين يحتاجون إلى الكراسي المتحركة.