About the Foundation
King Faisal Specialist Hospital Foundation “Wareef Charity” was established by the decision of the Board of Directors of General Organization of King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre in 1433 AH . In 1436 AH (2014), H.E. the Minister of Labor and Social Development’s resolution was issued to register the Foundation as a charitable institution and to grant it legal personality.
In the mid-1438 AH , the executive team of the Foundation initiated its activities. One of the team priorities was to attract a competent workforce qualified to contribute to the advancement and development of the Foundation and to ensure its sustainability through three themes; projects, activities, and programs.
Work is still ongoing and growth indicators are on the rise and constantly increasing.

استمراراً لتحقيق الأمنيات في وريف الخيرية ضمن مشروع أمنيتي وبالشراكة مع تطبيق يجي نشكر جهودهم في تسهيل تحقيق أمنيات مرضى مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث من خلال التطبيق.