Providing PlayStation Devices
At the hospital, pediatric patients feel isolated, alone, and bored, in particular children with cancer, tumors, hepatic disease, and organ transplant, and if we could provide some entertainment means, devices, etc., therefore we can help children to overcome this condition. The presence of such means is a chance to join other children suffering from the same disease, and thus increase the chance of successful and speedy treatment.
Target Group:
Pediatric inpatients and outpatients in King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre in Riyadh and King Fahad National Centre for Children's Cancer and Research (KFNCCC&R)
Venue Scope:
- King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre in Riyadh
- King Fahad National Centre for Children's Cancer and Research (KFNCCC&R) in Riyadh
Financial Scope:
448,000 SAR
Project Justifications:
- Make children happy and keep them away from thinking about disease, boredom, and refusal of treatment.
- The need to improve children's mental health and enhance the recreational and psychological aspects during their presence in the hospital to increase the effectiveness of the treatment plan and facilitate their treatment journey that is characterized by discomfort.
- Raise the morale and psychological spirit of children with cancer, tumors, hepatic disease, and patient with organ implant, which contributes quickly to their treatment and put a smile on their faces.
- Instill the hope of healing to patients and support their families.
Facts and Figures:
• سعة المركز الإستيعابية هي (400) سرير بنسبة إشغال (100%) على مدار السنة.
• يزور المركز سنوياً مايقارب (50,000) طفل من المراجعين والمنومين.
• تم توفير حوالي (100) جهاز بلايستيشين لتوزيعها بالمرافق المختلفة بالمستشفى.