Mobile Blood Donation Vehicle
عربة الدم المتنقلة:
Contribute to increasing the number of donors to cover daily need and the increasing demand from all blood types, and spread and promote the awareness of donation in the community.
Target Group:
All community members
Venue Scope:
King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre – (Riyadh – Jeddah– Medina)
Financial Scope:
SAR 9,000,000
Project Justifications:
- There is an acute shortage of blood quantities in King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre blood bank.
- A low number of donors (in particular during the Corona pandemic).
- The constant increase in the need for rare blood groups.
- Lack of blood donation vehicles in the hospital.
- Placement of blood donation vehicles close to gathering areas to facilitate donors’ access to them.
Facts and Figures:
• تم توفير عربتَي دم لمدينة الرياض والمدينة المنورة.
• سيتم توفير عربة دم لمدينة جدة.
• تتراوح عمليات التبرع بالدم عند خروج العربة بشكل يومي (80 -120) عملية تبرع بالدم بالرياض، و (30 – 50) عملية تبرع بالدم بجدة